Here are the definitions and contents of each table: The library Table This will avoid separate calls to the server, making it a very efficient operation. As it turns out, that's the ideal scenario to combine two separate statements into one UPDATE query. Doing so increases the count of books while decreasing the count of the books. To give the multi-table UPDATE statement a try, we'll create two tables named "library" and "book" and consider the case when one or more books are borrowed from the library. So, while the multi-table UPDATE statement is quite efficient, it is not ideal for every situation.
This code is very similar to a regular entity implementation. Using a Composite Key in CourseRating = "student_id") We need to provide an implementation of the hashcode() and equals() methods.ģ.3.We have to mark it with It has to implement java.io.Serializable.Note that a composite key class has to fulfill some key requirements: standard constructors, getters, and setters Because our primary key is a composite key, we have to create a new class that will hold the different parts of the key: CourseRatingKey implements Serializable = "student_id") Of course, every JPA entity needs a primary key. Since we map DB attributes to class fields in JPA, we need to create a new entity class for the relationship. Therefore, we had no way to add a property to the relationship itself. The only problem is that we cannot add a property to a relationship that way because we connected the entities directly. The implementation of a simple many-to-many relationship was rather straightforward. Keep in mind that since a many-to-many relationship doesn't have an owner side in the database, we could configure the join table in the Course class and reference it from the Student class. Therefore, we set the mappedBy attribute of the annotation in the Course class: = "likedCourses") On the target side, we only have to provide the name of the field, which maps the relationship. So, we need the possibility to configure table and column names. However, the strategy JPA uses won't always match the naming conventions we use. JPA will generate the table and column names for us.

The joinColumn attribute will connect to the owner side of the relationship, and the inverseJoinColumn to the other side: = "course_like", We provide the name of the join table ( course_like) as well as the foreign keys with the annotations.

We can do this with the annotation in the Student class.